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Learning Insight (Vipassana) Meditation
Overview and Resources
Overview and Resources
Course Summary and Objectives
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Sessions in Learning Insight Meditation
Session 1: Focus on Concentration with Mindfulness of Breathing
Session 2: The Five Hindrances
Session 3: The Four Brahmaviharas - Metta/LovingKIndness
Session 4: More on LovingKindness
Session 5: Karuna/Compassion
Session 6: Mudita/Appreciative Joy
Session 7: Upekka/Equanimity
Session 8: U Ba Khin Method, Part 1
Session 9: U Ba Khin Method, Part 2
Session 10: Choiceless Awareness Method, Part 1
Session 11: Closing and Choiceless Awareness Method, Part 2
28 Days of Insight Meditation
28 Days of Insight Meditation
On Resistance to Meditation
Further Support
Insight Vipassana Meditation Live Classes
Classes, Events & Coaching
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education
Session 7: Upekka/Equanimity
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